I learnt the most powerful thing about marriage last Sunday: "marriage is a test-run for your eternal relationship with God". My pastor might not have realised the impact of his words or the lasting effect it would have on me, but boy , did it hit home. Recently, I've had recurrent issues in my relationship - issues that frequently take me to my knees (I sometimes make the mistake of forgetting to take them ALL!). In particular, lately, I've been praying the 1 Corinthians 13 prayer - Lord, help me to patient, kind, keep no record of wrongs... I'm still praying this prayer, but with a different outlook - and end goal. Marriage - yours and mine - should be a mirror/reflection of our relationship with God. Developing patience, kindness, compassion, gentility, loyalty and all these other wonderful attributes isn't just for our earthly relationships - they cross over to our relationship with God. If we ask and let the Holy Spirit work within us to change us...
Encouraging a deep, meaningful and intimate relationship with God, and helping you to make the best of the life He's given you.