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Showing posts from June, 2018

What Does it Really Mean to Have an 'Anointing'?

Isn't 'anointing' just one of those Christian words that tends to be used a lot but we generally don't really understand? I listened to a fantastic podcast by Joyce Meyer (Ministries) today, Don't Be Led By Your Head . Along with several amazing lessons I picked up from JM (who I looove ), she said something I believe everyone should know: an anointing is simply God's power and enablement in your life to do something. We all heard this word so much from our pastors, preachers and reverends growing up and it just seemed so fancy, no?! You think of 'the anointing' as this precious, fragile thing that only 'God's special people' (like those mentioned above) have access to... something so far from your reach. But do you know every Christian has the anointing of God in different ways and different things? Let me just clear something up: this doesn't have to be singing in church or being a home fellowship leader . You could have an anoint...

Why You Should Stop Searching For Your Purpose

In the last few months, I'd been struggling with feelings of unfulfillment, direction and purpose. Although I have three jobs, a business and a good relationship with God (at the moment LOL), I felt like something was missing and I was just wasting away - every day.  Was I just waking up, working, cooking, cleaning, sleeping and doing it all over again the next day? Was there something I should have been doing that I wasn't? Was the more God wanted of me? Was I just coasting through life? As usual, I took it to God and I trusted He would show/tell me exactly what I needed to know in this season of my life, and I'm so glad He did. On my (motivational) radio programme, the Holy Spirit prompted me to talk about finding your calling and purpose in life, and in doing research for the show, I stumbled upon a few powerful thoughts that really challenged the way I thought about God-given purpose. Is it really what we think it is? Have we complicated this matter of 'findin...