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Showing posts from May, 2016

#Breaking! This is HOW MUCH Your Encouragement Matters to People

I recently got into the Nigerian radio industry, which a year ago was completely uncharted waters. I had an idea of what I wanted to do, but no real idea of how I could do it, or how long it would take to get where I wanted to be. I can categorically tell you that I could not have gone through the last 12 months without the support of people who love me.  I don't always have the strength, mental resolve or drive to keep going, but G od has very thoughtfully placed the most incredible people in my path to push, prod and propel me forward. It's a journey I could never have walked on my own.  And every single one of us, on all our different journeys, at all the various stages, absolutely NEED pushers, proders and propellers. God is totally in charge of your life and everything that happens to you - as long as you ask Him to be a part of it - but He's also given us people to help with some of that encouragement. The truth is: We are all (supposed to be) each other's ...

Why You Need a Better Prayer Life Today

I learnt about the real power of prayer today, from this amazing short clip of an interview with War Room's  Priscilla Shire. When we have an issue we need to overcome, or an obstacle standing in our life's way, we tend to opt for physical solutions , because they are the ones we know how to handle/utilise most effectively. "However, if we are always targeting what we can  see, and never get round to the undercurrent of what we can't see, then we'll never have any lasting change. Because that undercurrent will still always be effective," Priscilla Shire explains. Here's the absolute truth: For every visible, physical event that we see happen in our lives or around us - positive or negative - there is a spiritual counterpart that we cannot see.  There is a VERY REAL ENEMY, who wants us to focus our attention on everything else apart from the real target - HIM. In our culture, homes, churches, workplaces, we are under a very real threat.  So, we ...

You and I are Built to Worship

I woke up this morning and felt immediately discouraged.  First of all, Tuesday morning marked the end of the glorious three-day weekend, and I really wasn't quite ready to face the world yet, or deal with fuel scarcity issues, OR manoeuvre around in this heat.  Secondly, I had allowed myself to get bugged down by this irritating, persistent issue, and I couldn't get my mind to let it go.  Lastly, everything felt on top of me: Money worries, career worries, and what-the-heck-does-the-future-hold worries.  So, really, I didn't want to get out of bed. Because the minute you do is the minute you actually have to DEAL WITH YOUR LIFE - and man, I just wasn't ready. But a clear, simple thought (in actual fact, it was a prayer) came to mind, and came straight  out  through my lips, with no hesitation: "Lord, forgive me for every time that I've forgotten that I'm built to worship." Not focus on every little thing - real and imagined - that ...