I woke up this morning and felt immediately discouraged.
First of all, Tuesday morning marked the end of the glorious three-day weekend, and I really wasn't quite ready to face the world yet, or deal with fuel scarcity issues, OR manoeuvre around in this heat.
Secondly, I had allowed myself to get bugged down by this irritating, persistent issue, and I couldn't get my mind to let it go.
Lastly, everything felt on top of me: Money worries, career worries, and what-the-heck-does-the-future-hold worries.
So, really, I didn't want to get out of bed. Because the minute you do is the minute you actually have to DEAL WITH YOUR LIFE - and man, I just wasn't ready.
But a clear, simple thought (in actual fact, it was a prayer) came to mind, and came straight out through my lips, with no hesitation: "Lord, forgive me for every time that I've forgotten that I'm built to worship." Not focus on every little thing - real and imagined - that is wrong with my life. And I really meant that prayer.
This morning, through the Holy Spirit, I had one of those rare moments in my every day life when I remembered that my life is so much bigger than what's currently bugging me. Or even me, myself - as a whole.
You and I are built to worship. To commune with God; to breathe Him in, and focus on Him, and share Him and allow ourselves to be loved by Him. And when I remembered that, I suddenly had peace. Because everything else - although still concerns, I won't deny - paled in comparison to the truth that my life means so much MORE.
So instead of worrying - or worse, pretending not to be - I could just worship; focus on something (someONE) bigger than myself.
One of the greatest lessons I've learnt is the joy you can experience when you stop being so into yourself. Because when I focus on God (and other people), I gain the most amazing perspective. And that is that: God is the most important thing, and putting Him first is they key to *~everything*~.
The things you're worried about now will fade away, but the joy of intimacy with God is everlasting.
One of the greatest lessons I've learnt is the joy you can experience when you stop being so into yourself. Because when I focus on God (and other people), I gain the most amazing perspective. And that is that: God is the most important thing, and putting Him first is they key to *~everything*~.
The things you're worried about now will fade away, but the joy of intimacy with God is everlasting.
Kunmi x
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