Recently, the Holy Spirit has been helping me understand that there is so much pride in me, and that if I continue to let it grow and fester, it will only lead to my own destruction. You see, pride is a funny thing. It masks itself as self-respect; as self-worth; as knowing who you are and simply being confident in your own achievements. But sometimes, it's (a lot) more than that. The truth is, sometimes, we place ourselves on such a high pedestal and subconsciously glorify ourselves so much that we can't stand the thought of accepting anything less. Let me put this quick disclaimer here: I don't believe in settling for just anything ; that's not what this is about. I realised, with the help of the Holy Spirit , that I had gotten to the point where I despised the 'days of humble beginnings' my career was passing through; where I felt I was on a 'certain level' where I couldn't be treated any less than the best; where I was worried about what p...
Encouraging a deep, meaningful and intimate relationship with God, and helping you to make the best of the life He's given you.