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Why We All Need To Stop Feeling Bad About Our Bad Habits

Growing as a Christian and getting rid of bad habits is hard. Growing up, I always struggled with a bad temper and angry outbursts. I was simultaneously a great lover (of people) and a great fighter (my secondary school friends can testify so well to this!). But around 19 years old, with determination in my heart and God’s ever-present help, I was able to contain my emotions relatively well and hardly lost my temper any longer.  All that time, I didn’t realise how much God had worked on my heart, until about a year ago, when I tweeted about my anger issues as a teen and a former colleague replied, “Really? I can’t even imagine you being angry, Kunmi.” I literally LOL-ed. Girrrl, if only you knew! But recently, I’ve had to face my demons again. There’s something about being in such an emotionally-invested situation like marriage that can sometimes bring out things that have long been buried in you, or things you never even knew were there. When I got married, I found that I ...
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Let's Talk About Time: Where is Yours Going?

I've come to a stage in my life where one of the top 3 things I am most passionate about is how I'm spending my time. Why? It's one of the greatest gift God has given us - and a lot of the time, truth be told, we squander it. How you spend your time is a reflection of what you really care about. When you find that hours on hours are lost on online shopping, scrolling through Instagram, watching your favourite series, complaining about everything that's wrong in your life, it shows that's where you're truly most invested. It's where your heart and your mind are. Aside from chasing our passions and 'living our best life', how often do we remember that we are called to much more? That our lives are not just for chasing pleasures and being comfy? That we were created neither to just pay the bills or make loads of money? What are you doing with your time? It's a question I now ask myself everyday. It's so important to me not to go thro...

What Does it Really Mean to Have an 'Anointing'?

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Why You Should Stop Searching For Your Purpose

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Why Those Who Serve Money Will Never Have It

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Are You About to Lose the Gifts God Has Given You?

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10 Amazing Gospel Songs To Enjoy This Week!

Maybe your playlist just needs a little sprucing up; maybe gospel music isn't your thing or you find it mostly unexciting; maybe you just love discovering fresh music! Wherever you find yourself, I'd love to share with you a few of my favourites from my rapidly growing collection of wonderful Christian music. I hope these transport you to your secret place full of love, peace and hope with God as quickly and awesomely as they do me. 10. You Will Win - Jekalyn Carr 9. You Did It Again (YDIA) - Zacardi Cortez 8. I Love This Place - Tasha Cobbs 7. Turning Around For Me - Vashawn Mitchell 6. O Come To The Altar - Elevation Worship 5. I Got Out - Bryan Poppin 4. Get Me Through - Wess Morgan 3. I Can Only Imagine - Tamela Mann 2. Since Your Love - United Pursuit ft. Brandon Hampton 1. Colours (Spontaneous Worship) - Bethel Music