I believe all gifts come from God, and He really is the best gift-giver! He knows exactly what you need, when you need it. Sometimes, He'll even through in a surprise! Recently, God blessed me with one of those surprises - one that's making my heart overflow with joy, and putting a big, fat smile on my face everyday. But of course, the devil hates all that. How dare I have this much happiness? And so he sows seeds of doubt, worry and anxiety (sometimes, straight up PANIC) in my heart, which strangle the happy, ooey-gooey feelings. So, instead of enjoying God's great gift, I start to think to myself: Don't get so excited; anything can happen! You know all this won't last forever, right? What if it doesn't work out? Just wait until XYZ happens! And immediately, I subconsciously begin prepare my mind for the worst, and refuse to allow myself to celebrate God's gift, for fear of everything going south. Until today. I...
Encouraging a deep, meaningful and intimate relationship with God, and helping you to make the best of the life He's given you.