With prayer and I, it's been a mostly up-and-down relationship. We haven't always seen eye-to-eye, we've fallen out of love quite a few times, and we've oftentimes flat out ignored each other over the years. Luckily, it's been more on the 'up' lately, for which I am super glad, because God knows I need it more than anything.
The real transformation came when I realised that I didn't have to say the "right" things when I prayed, speak 'Christianese' (meaningless words that God is supposed to be impressed with), or lie to God about how/what I was feeling. A good friend of mine, Jen, once said, "Don't tell God, 'Oh Lord, I just want to worship Your holy name', when in fact you are about to combust from pain, sorrow, difficulties and frustration." That statement TOTALLY changed the way I pray.
Now, that's not to say that I only run to God to cry about my problems (there's ALWAYS something), and I am completely uninterested in telling Him just how amazing He is. This realisation just allowed me to be honest with God - which He actually wants! I'm not rude, brash or unappreciative, but I tell Him how I really feel because: 1) He knows before I open my mouth anyway, and more importantly, 2) He really, really cares about anything affecting me, 3) When I can be real with Him, it only makes us closer.
But this week, I learnt some new truths about prayer, and I want to share them with you:
1) The Holy Spirit is there to help you pray. "He...keeps us present before God..." (Romans 8:27). That means even when you don't know what to say before God, He translates our wordless sighs, aching groans and 'Errrr's into prayers.
2) Rather than feeling under pressure to speak at a particular time, invite Jesus to come along with you as you go about your day. Your mind will keep reflecting on His being with you. Share your feelings, concerns and people that pop up in your mind with Him.
3) When Hezekiah, King of Israel, received a mucho threatening letter from the King of Assyria (something about Israel feeding on their own excretion - yikes), he didn't sit, moan and worry for a few days - and THEN pray. He took the letter straight to the temple, and 'spread it before the Lord.' What happened next? God sent angels to slay the entire Assyrian camp overnight.
Do you have a unfavourable medical diagnosis? A financial statement that's overwhelming? An angry email? Spread it before the Lord, really trust in Him, and watch Him rise up and fight for you.
I genuinely hope this will help your prayer life, and also help you grow in intimacy with God.
(P.S. - You can check out Jen's blog here!)
Lots of love,
Kunmi x
The real transformation came when I realised that I didn't have to say the "right" things when I prayed, speak 'Christianese' (meaningless words that God is supposed to be impressed with), or lie to God about how/what I was feeling. A good friend of mine, Jen, once said, "Don't tell God, 'Oh Lord, I just want to worship Your holy name', when in fact you are about to combust from pain, sorrow, difficulties and frustration." That statement TOTALLY changed the way I pray.
Now, that's not to say that I only run to God to cry about my problems (there's ALWAYS something), and I am completely uninterested in telling Him just how amazing He is. This realisation just allowed me to be honest with God - which He actually wants! I'm not rude, brash or unappreciative, but I tell Him how I really feel because: 1) He knows before I open my mouth anyway, and more importantly, 2) He really, really cares about anything affecting me, 3) When I can be real with Him, it only makes us closer.
But this week, I learnt some new truths about prayer, and I want to share them with you:
1) The Holy Spirit is there to help you pray. "He...keeps us present before God..." (Romans 8:27). That means even when you don't know what to say before God, He translates our wordless sighs, aching groans and 'Errrr's into prayers.
2) Rather than feeling under pressure to speak at a particular time, invite Jesus to come along with you as you go about your day. Your mind will keep reflecting on His being with you. Share your feelings, concerns and people that pop up in your mind with Him.
3) When Hezekiah, King of Israel, received a mucho threatening letter from the King of Assyria (something about Israel feeding on their own excretion - yikes), he didn't sit, moan and worry for a few days - and THEN pray. He took the letter straight to the temple, and 'spread it before the Lord.' What happened next? God sent angels to slay the entire Assyrian camp overnight.
Do you have a unfavourable medical diagnosis? A financial statement that's overwhelming? An angry email? Spread it before the Lord, really trust in Him, and watch Him rise up and fight for you.
I genuinely hope this will help your prayer life, and also help you grow in intimacy with God.
(P.S. - You can check out Jen's blog here!)
Lots of love,
Kunmi x
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