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Showing posts from March, 2016

A Note on Fasting, For Everyone

Fasting is something I'm still learning a lot about (I'll talk about it soon). I've come to understand, over the years, that it's not a period of starvation, while pretending not to be starving.  Fasting is about practicing self-discipline (which we all need as Christians, to do God's will), carving out time to focus on God, and sometimes seeking God about pressing issues. I found these verses in Matthew 6 yesterday, and loved how they dealt with the topic of fasting. I hope they help you too! Kunmi x 16   "When you practice some appetite-denying discipline to better concentrate on God, don't make a production out of it. It might turn you into a small-time celebrity but it won't make you a saint. If you 'go into training' inwardly, act normal outwardly. Shampoo and comb your hair, brush your teeth, wash your face.  God doesn't require attention-getting devices. He won't overlook what you are doing; he'll reward yo...

BWG Word for the Day

I find this passage in the Bible about prayer so apt, and ridiculously helpful in understanding how to actually go about this not-so-complicated business of communicating with God - especially in The Message version! (Btw, The Message is my favourite version of the Bible at the moment, because it's so easy to read, real and applicable - as the Word of God should be.) Kunmi x Here's what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won't be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace. The world is full of so-called prayer warriors who are prayer-ignorant. They're full of formulas and programs and advice, peddling techniques for getting what you want from God. Don't fall for that nonsense. This is your Father you are dealing with, and he knows better than you what you need.  With a God like this loving you, you can pray v...

God knows exactly what you need to hear, WHEN you need to hear it!

I love God. So much that when my eyes are re-opened (because LIFE stays clouding it up) to how much he loves me, thinks about me and has mapped things out in my best interest... I am overwhelmed to a point of silence. Tonight, I read this ... and I can't emphasise how much I really needed it. It was an extra warm hug, and many kisses on the cheek, and a great big cuddle all in one - and I just melted away in God's arms. But not to be overly romantic, or sickly... I grabbed my laptop and frantically tapped at my keyboard to tell you this: God knows exactly what you need to know, read, hear, exactly   when you need it most. Because He knows you, sweetheart - better than anyone else on the planet, including yourself. And how much more do I want to be with - love, know, embrace - a God who knows me that well. Kunmi x

For Women Only: This is What God So Desperately Wants You To Know

"Daughter, you hear Me say it true: I begin a new thing in you. The past is behind you. I was there with you. I can show you where I was. Looking back is not bad, but staying there is not my plan. Let Me place my hand on the places of pain, where you feel alone, where you cry out for rescue. I have rescued you, daughter. I created your frame, the contours of your skin, the timing of the way your eyes close, just so. I know your makeup, all the details of you, your entire story. I author you, daughter. The drafting of your story, your hand in mine . . . there is paper not more beautiful–curls of letters that make Me smile. Daughter, the story of your name is written in my book, your beginning, the moment where you felt you ended and I begin. That is your beginning, child. You begin where you end and I begin. And the story keeps writing, child. After beginning there is adventure. After beginning there is trust and falling and catching and believing and choosing and ...

How much of God, the Bible and Heaven do you REALLY believe?

One of the books that has really challenged me in my life so far is Heaven is for Real  by Todd Burpo and Lynn Vincent. Back that up with the film, and I really, really  started to question my faith. I won't spoil the book (or film) for those who haven't seen or read it, but it basically is what it says on the tin - a little boy's testament  (having had a near-death experience and visited Heaven)  to the fact that God, Jesus, angels and indeed, Heaven are all VERY real. Now, I know this. And chances are that you do to. But how much of it do we actually soak in? As a Christian, I find that there are times when I am so wrapped up in the awesomeness of God that it brings me to tears (and very often, my knees as well). Some days, my awareness of Him is so real, - so tangible - that I am overwhelmed. That there's such a 'person' as God - who is The  Almighty, yet ever so mindful of me and my tiny life; who is The  Creator, who has no creator; who would giv...

What To Do When You Can't Hear God - and Really Want To!

I'll start off with complete honesty: It's one of the most frustrating things in the world, as a Christian, to want  to hear God, but not exactly be able to. I can tell you that firsthand, because I've battled with this for more than a little while. You ask yourself (and sometimes, others) so many questions: Is God speaking and I'm just not listening? Does God speak to everybody? Does God really want to speak to me ? Let me clear something up really quickly: Yes, He absolutely does. The truth is, a lot of the time, it's just not in the grand, Heaven-opening-up-and-voice-booming-from-Above kind of way we're often expecting. Many times, God's voice is subtle and as a result, very easy to miss. For a while, I've battled with feeling like God absolutely left me to fend for myself, despite promising to guide me and show me the way to go. I've felt abandoned; like there was something wrong with me because I didn't hear God clearly ; like I was so...