Fasting is something I'm still learning a lot about (I'll talk about it soon). I've come to understand, over the years, that it's not a period of starvation, while pretending not to be starving.
Fasting is about practicing self-discipline (which we all need as Christians, to do God's will), carving out time to focus on God, and sometimes seeking God about pressing issues.
I found these verses in Matthew 6 yesterday, and loved how they dealt with the topic of fasting. I hope they help you too!
Kunmi x
16 "When you practice some appetite-denying discipline to better concentrate on God, don't make a production out of it. It might turn you into a small-time celebrity but it won't make you a saint.
If you 'go into training' inwardly, act normal outwardly. Shampoo and comb your hair, brush your teeth, wash your face. God doesn't require attention-getting devices. He won't overlook what you are doing; he'll reward you well.
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